Saturday, May 17, 2008

Lots of fun lately

We have been having some fun lately.

When ever it hasn't been snowing...yes SNOWING... or raining

we have been going to the playground. Isaac doesn't have any problems giving

Mommy heart attacks. I try really hard to be trusting and just let him have fun.

Jeremiah was pretending that he was a jaguar jumping out of a tree.
Yes, he dressed himself, the orange shirt and red FLOOD pants were all him.

Then of course, after about an hour playing on the playground, it always turns to bug watching time.

Eden loves playing at the playground too...
And then, inevitably, Isaac finds the mud holes. Going home means bath time. I usually just let him play and get as dirty as he can, until he starts trying to put his mouth in the mud, I have to put my foot down at that.
Thursday we went down to Ogden to the Dinosaur Park there. We went with Grandma, Uncle Jon, Aunt Holly, and Baby Ady. The boys were having a blast seeing all the skeletons. At first I had Isaac in his stroller, he was sitting quietly as we went through the museum. Then I decided to let him down and see how he would behave. Wow, it was a crazy transformation. He and I went back through and it was as though he hadn't just seen everything already, everything was new and VERY exciting from the perspective of his own feet. So he got to stay out of the stroller through the outside, 5 acres part of the park too, since obviously he "saw" things better that way.

This picture is Jeremiah, Isaac (still in the stroller), Grandma, Eden, and our friendly neighborhood T-Rex. Oh, and Uncle Jon in the background.

Here is Isaac during his "down period". He is exploring a dinosaur foot print, with Grandma's help.

Out side, the dinosaurs are life like reconstructions of what they might have looked like. I guess this is a trophy wall...

Uncle Jon was offering Isaac up to the carnivore, I expected Isaac to be scared but he wasn't.

I guess this picture explains itself... Oh, and yes, they are wearing dinosaur shirts to the dinosaur park! How could they wear anything else? It just wouldn't be right.

We had a blast and I took 153 pictures and videos. Some day when I actually get around to scrapbooking again, we will have plenty of dinosaur memories to go through.

1 comment:

unarmedx08 said...

Hey who are those two little monkeys climbing on the fence ;p